Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Bent Sword By Stephen Gashler

When a daydreaming peasant named Steffin decides to take control of his own destiny, an adventure begins that has serious consequences. Though his adventures are reckless, Steffin's passion is contagious, and he eventually recruits men to fight against his nemesis, the Lord of Boredom. Yet, the journey is difficult, and problems constantly block the path these comrades are taking. Will the Lord of Boredom succeed in quelling what could be the greatest of all adventures? The Bent Sword is an inspiration for anyone who ever wondered why life isn't more like a storybook.

 This book was fun from the beginning. You have two story lines going throughout the book, which makes you curious as to how they come together in the end.  Steffin  is hilarious as he tries to get people to help him in his quest.  His made up quests are anything but 'noble' and the reactions of his followers made me laugh out loud.

My favorite part of the book is when Steffin has to explain his real quest. Imagine taking a story you've played out with your friends many times growing up and then having to explain it to your posse. Especially when the villain is the Lord of Boredom! 

This book is great for young adults. Its got action, adventure, a tiny bit of romance and a huge amount of comedy. 

You can purchase his books on

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